Spiritual Health and Therapeutic Touch

spiritual health

Spiritual Healing is effective and can provide a permanent relief during traumatic and difficult times in the lives of all individual. At ICAPHP we encourage and support spirituality as the first form of healing, It is a personal choice. Research has shown that spiritual healing can bring about a complete revolution in the consciousness of the mind, body and spirit. It can affect the endurance of, physical pain, mental anguish and emotional change through belief.

Detox - In 2nd Corinthian chapter 7: verse 1: In response to the Corinthians Paul the Apostle stated: "Beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." Your body is the temple of the living God.

The cause of disease is a toxic body. For the body to heal the blood, cells and tissue has to be clean, bacteria and viruses will thrive in a toxic body. When the colon is clogged and no elimination is taking place the body can also become toxic. The mind can become toxic from stressors of everyday lifestyle. Cleansing the mind body and spirit brings wholesomeness to one's life.